Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Living Near a Major Sporting Event

I live in the middle of the traffic mess for the FBR Open (aka the Phoenix Open). Half a million people over the course of a week. Following this link will take you to a parking map. I live in the white area where it says "PASSES 3-7."

Here are two pictures I took a few minutes ago off my back balcony. The first one is looking in the SSE direction toward the parking. Not too full today as it's only tuesday and the real action doesn't start until thursday. Just out of shot to the left is a huge white tent called the Bird's Nest. (It's hidden by a tree from my balcony, but it's marked in black on the map linked above.) Yes, not only do we get Superbowl traffic for a week, we also get loud rock and roll concerts for free until 1:00am all week. I live far enough away that I just get bass and then rowdy drunk people in my neighborhood.

This picture is looking due south down the jogging path in the park. This is maximum zoom looking at one of the traffic guys. The tent near the top of the picture to the left is part of the tournament entrance where all the vendors sit and hand out free goodies. You are forced to walk through the tent to get to the golf course.

It's only tuesday. It gets worse as the week goes on.

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