Monday, February 01, 2010

RiNoWriMo - Day 1

At writers group last night, Lejon Johnson gave my NaNoSorTa a new name. The big deal in November is NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). Lejon dubbed this February effort RiNoWriMo, Rick Novy Writing Month.

So be it.

In a perfect world, every month is RiNoWriMo. But this is life. And in life, we start to walk, in the immortal words of Kris Kringle, by putting one foot in front of the other. So today, February 1st, I started RiNoWriMo, and did not meet my goal of 1500 words. I did write about half that, putting down 757 words on a short story I am trying to finish for the Aether Age anthology.

For some reason, this story is coming out in first person. I don't think I've sold a first person story to the M-Brane crew, so this will be a little different kind of product than they are used to seeing from me. It will be interesting if it works for them.


Day 1 / 757 words / 757 total / -743 from target

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