Monday, February 11, 2008

Award Nomination

Looks like I've been nominated for my first award, the James B. Baker award from Sam's Dot Publishing.

From Sam's Dot's own words:

For those not fully familiar with this award, it's named for our "founding father," James B. Baker, who for years ran ProMart Publishing, which at his passing in September 2002 became Sam's Dot Publishing. Jim was fond of publishing new writers [including back then most of the current staff of Sam's Dot], and we have continued his mission to this day.

The editors of their magazines nominate stories in each category. Looky here:

The Martian Wave: "Oh, Mallary!" by Rick Novy
The Fifth Di...: "Portrait of a Weeping Soldier" by John Bushore
Aoife's Kiss: "416175" by Laura Sanger Kelly
Champagne Shivers: "Gray" by Tom Moran
KidVisions: "Eli #7" by Angela Hunt
Beyond Centauri: "A Charcoal Exchange" by Kurt Kirchmeier
Scifaikuest: "Haibun" by Lisa Bradley
Sounds of the Night: "Cutbank Over Polecat" by Gwyn Henry
Hungur Magazine: "Singer" by Melissa Mead
Between Kisses: "Siren of Rain" by Edward Cox

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


It's official. You can't really call yourself a writer until you've published the obligatory cat story. As of today, I have done that. See my story Cats in the February 2008 issue of The Written Word.